Sunday, November 22, 2009

Animated Gif Film Photos

As they do usually, some sudden ideas for the novel came to mind this morning in the middle of work. As I was pissing in the library stalls, my mind did one of those crazy whacked-out trips about making the novel into something for the whole family to enjoy. I wondered whether I should make it so you could pick up the novel at any point and begin the journey, whether it could be an infinite novel, one that never really ends but continues on (one page a day for 10 years = 3,650 pages), whether I should podcast the thing, how I could exploit web 2.0 theory to make this even more interactive. In any case, my ideas simply led me to thinking about the images on each page. It occurred to me that to get the real noir effect, the images should feel like film. So, with some very brief tinkering in Adobe Image Ready, I came up with this prototype (simply add 1 more frame with the "noise" filter).

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