Sunday, November 8, 2009

I just realized how Chapter 2 must begin

I sometimes think about how dangerously random my creative ideas are--meaning that they strike me at the most unusual moments, usually when my eyes are just closing or the road is just diverging into infinity.

I know that's nothing new. Many writers, I've heard, have a sort of Buddhist, self-abnegating quality to producing. I just wish ideas came more on schedule.

I spent the last month or so incognito, playing video games day and night, much to the dismay of my longtime girlfriend, who also occasionally joins me on the couch after changing diapers. I've been playing Mass Effect lately, primarily for the purported robotalien sex scenes, and even though everyone says it's more than a game, that it's a world, an identity...for me--for both of us, really--it's just a really fun game. A new challenge, a creative take on all the things we love about immersive nonreality fantasy roleplaying.

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